package edu.unc.lib.deposit.normalize; import; import; import; import java.text.MessageFormat; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.UUID; import; import javax.xml.validation.Schema; import javax.xml.validation.Validator; import org.jdom2.Document; import org.jdom2.Element; import org.jdom2.filter.ElementFilter; import org.jdom2.input.SAXBuilder; import org.jdom2.output.XMLOutputter; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.xml.sax.SAXException; import; import edu.unc.lib.dl.fedora.PID; import edu.unc.lib.dl.schematron.SchematronValidator; import edu.unc.lib.dl.util.METSParseException; import edu.unc.lib.dl.util.PremisEventLogger.Type; import edu.unc.lib.dl.util.RedisWorkerConstants.DepositField; import edu.unc.lib.dl.xml.JDOMNamespaceUtil; import edu.unc.lib.dl.xml.METSProfile; public abstract class AbstractMETS2N3BagJob extends AbstractDepositJob { private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(AbstractMETS2N3BagJob.class); @Autowired protected SchematronValidator schematronValidator = null; @Autowired private Schema metsSipSchema = null; public SchematronValidator getSchematronValidator() { return schematronValidator; } public void setSchematronValidator(SchematronValidator schematronValidator) { this.schematronValidator = schematronValidator; } public AbstractMETS2N3BagJob(String uuid, String depositUUID) { super(uuid, depositUUID); } public AbstractMETS2N3BagJob() { super(); } protected File getMETSFile() { File dataDir = new File(getDepositDirectory(), "data"); File result = new File(dataDir, "mets.xml"); if(!result.exists()) { result = new File(dataDir, "METS.xml"); } if(!result.exists()) { result = new File(dataDir, "METS.XML"); } if(!result.exists()) { result = new File(dataDir, getDepositStatus().get(; } return result; } public Schema getMetsSipSchema() { return metsSipSchema; } public void setMetsSipSchema(Schema metsSipSchema) { this.metsSipSchema = metsSipSchema; } protected void assignPIDs(Document mets) { int count = 0; Iterator<Element> divs = mets.getDescendants(new ElementFilter("div", JDOMNamespaceUtil.METS_NS)); while(divs.hasNext()) { Element div =; String cids = div.getAttributeValue("CONTENTIDS"); if(cids != null && cids.contains("info:fedora/")) continue; UUID uuid = UUID.randomUUID(); PID pid = new PID("uuid:"+uuid.toString()); if(cids == null) { div.setAttribute("CONTENTIDS", pid.getURI()); } else { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(pid.getURI()); for(String s : cids.split("\\s")) { sb.append(" ").append(s); } div.setAttribute("CONTENTIDS", sb.toString()); } Element pidEvent = getEventLog().logEvent(Type.NORMALIZATION, "Assigned PID to object defined in a METS div", pid); appendDepositEvent(pid, pidEvent); count++; } recordDepositEvent(Type.NORMALIZATION, "Assigned {0,choice,1#PID|2#PIDs} to {0,choice,1#one object|2#{0,number} objects} ", count); } protected Document loadMETS() { Document mets = null; SAXBuilder builder = new SAXBuilder(); try { mets =; } catch (Exception e) { failJob(e, "Unexpected error parsing METS file."); } return mets; } protected void saveMETS(Document mets) { try(FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(getMETSFile())) { new XMLOutputter().output(mets, fos); } catch(Exception e) { failJob(e, "Unexpected error saving METS."); } } protected void validateMETS() { if(!getMETSFile().exists()) { failJob("Cannot find a METS file", "A METS was not found in the expected locations: mets.xml, METS.xml, METS.XML."); } Validator metsValidator = getMetsSipSchema().newValidator(); METSParseException handler = new METSParseException( "There was a problem parsing METS XML."); metsValidator.setErrorHandler(handler); try { metsValidator.validate(new StreamSource(getMETSFile())); } catch (SAXException e) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug(e.getMessage()); } failJob(handler, "METS is not valid with respect to schemas."); } catch (IOException e) { failJob(e, "Cannot parse METS file."); } recordDepositEvent(Type.VALIDATION, "METS schema(s) validated"); } /** * Stores a reference to the METS file for this deposit as the manifest */ protected void addManifestURI() { File metsFile = getMETSFile(); log.debug("Adding manifest URI referencing {}", metsFile); getDepositStatusFactory().addManifest(getDepositUUID(), metsFile.getAbsolutePath()); } protected void validateProfile(METSProfile profile) { List<String> errors = schematronValidator.validateReportErrors(new StreamSource(getMETSFile()), profile.getName()); if(errors != null && errors.size() > 0) { String msg = MessageFormat.format("METS is not valid with respect to profile: {0}", profile.getName()); StringBuilder details = new StringBuilder(); for(String error : errors) { details.append(error).append('\n'); } failJob(msg, details.toString()); } } }